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  • Refinery Process Yield Optimisation Optimize Refinery Utilization and Efficiency

    Venue : Istanbul
    Start Date : 03/02/2025
    End Date : 07/02/2025

    • Familiarize and understand the various refinery types and appreciate how refining complexity impacts refining optimization and refinery economics.
    • Comprehend the importance of quality giveaways and learn how to use blending calculations to reduce them.
    • Use hands-on software that allows professionals in the industry to choose different types of crude diets and thus optimize refinery utilization and efficiency.
    • Act as a primer into the industry of Petroleum Refining to maximize process fluid yields.
    • Familiarize industry professionals with all processes associated with the processing of petroleum into finished products.
    • Equip new engineers into the industry, with the basic tools for understanding the complex nature of refining and its operation.

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